marți, 26 octombrie 2010
joi, 21 octombrie 2010
Pe final de dermato

Cu primul stagiu din ultimul an aproape terminat va las cu cateva chestii legate de sifilis, mai mult pentru amuzament :) Stiu, uneori chestiile care imi par mie amuzante nu respecta acelasi criteriu la ceilalti, dar asta e.
"Din cauza izbucnirii in armata franceza boala a fost initial numita morbus gallicus.
In timp ce italienii o numeau “boala franceza“ sau “boala spaniola”, francezii o numeau “la maladie anglaise” sau “boala italiana” sau “boala napolitana”, rusii ii spuneau “boala poloneza” iar turcii “boala crestinilor”.
Tot in sec. XVI a fost numit si “lues venera” sau “molima veneriana”.
"Numele de SIFILIS provine de la un poem scris in latina de medicul si poetul Girolamo Fracastoro (1530), intitulat:
“Syphilis sive morbus gallicus”
(in traducere: “Syphilis sau boala franceza”)
In poem, pastorul Syphilis a fost pedepsit cu aceasta boala de zeul Apollo pentru ca nu a avut incredere in el.
Cei care n-au citit poemul au inteles (gresit) ca “Syphilis” este numele “bolii franceze”." :))
Tratamentul in vechime pentru sifilis era mercurul. Folosirea lui a dus la zicala: "O noapte in bratele lui Venus te arunca pentru o viata in bratele lui Mercur".
Personalitati ilustre au suferit sau chiar au murit de sifilis.
S III nervos a fost o vreme una din cele mai frecvente cauze de dementa.
- Charles al VIII al Frantei
- Hernando Cortez al Spaniei
- Ivan cel Groaznic al Rusiei
- Guy de Maupassant
- Friederich Nietzsche
- Lev Tolstoi
- Mihail Eminescu
- Edouard Manet
- Paul Gauguin
- Franz Schubert
- Al Capone a contractat sifilisul in tinerete. Boala a ajuns in stadiul tertiar (de neurosifilis) in timp ce era incarcerat la Alcatraz, facandu-l confuz si dezorientat.
sâmbătă, 9 octombrie 2010
Leaganul respiratiei

Toate volumele publicate de Humanitas in seria de autor Herta Muller merita citite deoarece, desi dificil, subiectul abordat pune in lumina multe necunoscute ale regimului comunist. Iar stilul este absolut savuros!
duminică, 3 octombrie 2010
vineri, 1 octombrie 2010
Haruki Murakami moves up in Nobel Prize contender rankings
stire aflata pe facebook (poate o fi si facebook-ul bun la ceva):
"LONDON (Kyodo) -- The chances of Haruki Murakami, a renowned Japanese writer, winning this year's Nobel Prize in literature might have improved, according to data released Wednesday by one of the world's largest betting agencies.
Murakami ranked sixth among the world's top literature prize hopefuls with the number of contenders leading ahead of him decreasing to five from six last year, according to data compiled by Britain's Ladbrokes PLC.
The Japanese writer, however, rated 11-1 compared with odds of 9-1 a year ago, while Swedish poet Tomas Transtromer was the frontrunner with 5-1 odds.
Polish poet Adam Zagajewski, South Korean poet Ko Un and Syrian poet Adonis tied in second place.
In fifth was Italian writer Antonio Tabucchi.
Murakami ranks sixth alongside Australian poet Les Murray.
The top four on the short list are poets and Murakami is second to Tabucci among non-poet writers.
The names of this year's Nobel laureates in all categories including literature are due to be announced in October."
(Mainichi Japan) September 30, 2010
"LONDON (Kyodo) -- The chances of Haruki Murakami, a renowned Japanese writer, winning this year's Nobel Prize in literature might have improved, according to data released Wednesday by one of the world's largest betting agencies.
Murakami ranked sixth among the world's top literature prize hopefuls with the number of contenders leading ahead of him decreasing to five from six last year, according to data compiled by Britain's Ladbrokes PLC.
The Japanese writer, however, rated 11-1 compared with odds of 9-1 a year ago, while Swedish poet Tomas Transtromer was the frontrunner with 5-1 odds.
Polish poet Adam Zagajewski, South Korean poet Ko Un and Syrian poet Adonis tied in second place.
In fifth was Italian writer Antonio Tabucchi.
Murakami ranks sixth alongside Australian poet Les Murray.
The top four on the short list are poets and Murakami is second to Tabucci among non-poet writers.
The names of this year's Nobel laureates in all categories including literature are due to be announced in October."
(Mainichi Japan) September 30, 2010
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